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An Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitudes, Perception And Practice About COVID-19 Among The Kenyan Population

Author: Kenya Ministry of Health, Kenya Medical Research Institute, and African Institute for Development Policy

Year: 2020

Category: Health Sector Literature


Basic knowledge on COVID-19 is high, but 62% respondents want more information on treatment, prevention • Fear of COVID-19 and stigma are high - 71% of respondents said they would not be comfortable being in the same home, office or school with someone who has COVID-19 • Most respondents are not observing COVID-19 control measures at all times – less than half of respondents reported practicing social-distancing and hand hygiene, and only half wear a face mask in public. • More than half of respondents who experienced COVID-19 like symptoms either bought drugs from local pharmacy or ignored the symptoms hoping they will go away • Half of the healthcare workers who participated in the survey had neither received any COVID-19 related training nor had PPEs Results • Train, empower and facilitate community health workers to educate communities on COVID-19 prevention, treatment and management as part of strengthening the Home-based care option for patients with Covid-19 • Prioritize a multi-pronged approach to ensure that all communities, including remote communities, are reached with COVID-19 public education campaigns • Review, diversify and intensify public education on COVID-19 including the importance of consistency in adhering to the various intervention measures and what to do if one suspects that they could be having COVID-19 like symptoms – the do’s and dont’s, and on home-based care • Increase collaboration with local pharmacies on symptomatic screening and appropriate referral for COVID-19 testing • Implement measures that destigmatize COVID-19 for effective home-based quarantine and isolation • Enhance socio-economic cushioning that caters for the new vulnerable persons who have lost their jobs or income as result of the pandemic • Prioritise training and provision of PPEs and psychosocial support to healthcare workers


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