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The Effects Of Receiving Cash Transfers As Adolescents On Future Outcomes

Author: Sarah Baird, Ephraim Chirwa, Craig McIntosh, and Berk Özler

Year: 2015

Category: Handouts


There is currently large interest in investing in adolescents, particularly adolescent girls (UNAIDS, Global Fund, Nike Foundation, WB, etc.) Simultaneously, there is an increasingly louder group of development economists advocating for unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) for poverty reduction (Blattmanand Niehaus, 2014; Kenny, 2015, etc.) The confluence of these two trends have policymakers trying to design programs that address a set of diverse issues for adolescents –programs that rely, at least in part on cash transfers (e.g. WB SP project in Zambia) But, they still have to contend with the same design issues as before –perhaps more daunting with the recent evidence on CCTs vs. UCTs (vs. LCTs). One of the important issues, at least in SSA, is that school dropout is early and is closely linked with the start of childbearing (and marriage) during adolescence. So, CCTs for schooling have to contend with the large group of non-compliers…


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